
CTL College

118 118 Spyros Kyprianou Avenue, Limassol 3077, Cyprus

Business Details

Welcome to the CTL Eurocollege and the gateway to your future. We are an independent institution of Higher Education that takes great pride in the quality of its undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and also in the experience, understanding and flexibility of our teaching staff Our aim is not just to equip our students with all the necessary qualifications, but to instill in them self-belief and provide them with the communication and people skills demanded by employers. The college is located in the cosmopolitan city of Cyprus, Limassol. A city whose metropolitan area population exceeds 150,000 people and offers all the amenities of big urban centers, yet small enough for a friendly and safe environment. Our students come from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and are totally integrated into an environment of international understanding and friendship. The CTL Eurocollege is the continuation of the CTL Academy that was founded in 1966 in Famagusta, Cyprus, and offered middle, senior, and higher education. Many students choose CTL for the outstanding programs and others for the great career opportunities. We are confident that at CTL Eurocollege you will find everything that you wished for. We look forward to meeting you and cooperating wi


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118 118 Spyros Kyprianou Avenue, Limassol 3077, Cyprus


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