
Aigaia School of Art and Design

81 81 Agion Omologiton Avenue, 1080, Agioi Omologites, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus

Business Details

Aigaia School of Art & Design is a private institution offering specialised studies in art & design in Cyprus. Aigaia offers Tertiary Education Courses as well as art and theatre lessons for children, teenagers and adults. Aigaia's main aim is to provide its students with the highest quality of arts education and to produce excellent contemporary art & design in general, in a friendly, warm environment, providing the society with responsible artists committed to high ethical standards. The school offers it's students a friendly and creative environment to get inspired, learn and create. The idea of Aigaia is the creation of a special contemporary art scene in Cyprus, inspired by the evolution of the Greek culture and history of Cyprus with high quality of ethics.


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81 81 Agion Omologiton Avenue, 1080, Agioi Omologites, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus


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