
Dr. George Hearing Centers

18 Athalassas Avenue, Nicosia 2011, Cyprus

Business Details

DR GEORGE Hearing Centers are proud to provide a full range of services to both adults and children of all ages in Cyprus. We offer the latest digital technology with a wide range of brands, models and styles of hearing devices.  Dr. George Panayiotou feels it is important to take time to help each customer select the hearing device that will best meet their hearing needs, as well as their lifestyle and budget. 

Our business objective is to become the No. 1 Audiology Company in Cyprus by promoting the beauty of sound for people with hearing loss so that they can fully enjoy the wonderful world of sound through modern technology and at an affordable price.  Our shareholders and employees are totally committed to providing exceptional customer service, high integrity in all business dealings, the best available products from the best Hearing Aid Manufacturers at a competitive price – backed by our unique “follow-up” Guarantee. We understand that proper care and time should be given to customers not only when a hearing aid is fitted, but most importantly an after fitting support service to ensure that the customer gets all the benefits from their investment.

Dr. George Panayiotou says “We understand that without customers we are nothing, but with happy customers we are Kings.”

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18 Athalassas Avenue, Nicosia 2011, Cyprus


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