
Kuwait Airways

13 Santa Roza Avenue 13, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

On the wave of the oil boom of the 1940s, a national carrier was born in 1954. Initially, Kuwait Airways Company served a limited network of Abadan, Beirut, Damascus and Jerusalem but a year later the fledgling carrier was facing economic hardship, and the government of Kuwait took a ...more 50% interest in the airline, subsequently doubling the company's capital. Having entered the rough and tumble world of aviation, the government finally took out 100% share in Kuwait Airways. Kuwait Airways entered the jet age in 1962 by leasing a Comet 4-C, the world's first jet-engined airliner. In the 1960s, the national carrier rapidly expanded its route map, and scheduled services to London begun three times a week. To keep pace with fast-moving aviation needs, three Boeing 707s were delivered in 1968. Ten years later, Kuwait Airways had an all -Boeing 707 fleet of eight aircraft. In 1978, Kuwait Airways entered the wide-body age by taking delivery of its first two B747-200s, adding a third the following year. This expansion permitted Kuwait Airways to extend its network to Newyork to the west and Manila to the east. Modernization of the fleet continued, and four B727-200s were delivered in 1980-1981. Two years later eight Airbus A310s and A300-600s were delivered, and in 1986


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13 Santa Roza Avenue 13, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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