
Paradise Place Pomos

12 Charalambou Fournidi, Pafos 8870, Cyprus

Business Details

Relax, chill-out, kick off your shoes, sip on a long refreshing drink, enjoy the special atmosphere, after all you are in Paradise. Paradise Place is unique. Situated just before the village of Pomos, 18 km from Polis Chrysochous in the nortwestern corner of Cyprus. The area is blesse...mored with a wonderfully dramatic rocky coastline, and villages were time is still valued. The building is delightfully quirky in character, but then it is the home of the famous Annual Paradise Jazz Festival with international and local musicians. The alternative cosmopolitane clientèle is always delightedl with the restaurant serving wonderful homemade food, while the technology needed to put a successful entertainment alltogether. It is a platform for artists, such as musicians, painters, dancers from around the world paying regular visits not only to perform, but to enjoy the venues special character. Above all Paradise is about Art and Culture, its philosophy is 'lets do our bit to bring the world together'. "Whilst there is a place called Paradise all people can dream"


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