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Peters Gallery Limassol

31 31 Ioanni Polemi street 3085, Limassol 3085, Cyprus

Business Details

We founded Peter's Gallery in Limassol in 1973. A very important art space for Cyprus due to its the geographic location of Limassol highlights it at the crossroads between Nicosia, Larnaca and Paphos but most importantly the existence of an outstanding art space, in every aspect, has allowed us to best serve the needs of the art loving audience for decades. This art space is unlike any other in the entire Middle East, and was built with the knowledge and love for the ideal presentation and display of artistic creations.

Peter’s Gallery has been fortunate enough to exhibit works by a large number of important artists from all over the world: Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, United Kingdom, Canada, Africa, Israel, Turkey, Norther Cyprus, Syria and from many other cultures. We’ve had artists that represent their home countries art and all of these creative individuals have helped put together a face for global art that Cypriots have been experiencing and learning from for years. 


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31 31 Ioanni Polemi street 3085, Limassol 3085, Cyprus


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