
Ruslan Travel

108 108 Apostolou Pavlou, Pafos 8046, Cyprus

Business Details

OUR AIM IS TO OFFER YOU A PERFECT TRAVEL SERVICE! RUSLAN Travel is a technologically advance Inbound Tour Operator/DMC, and Tour/Excursion organiser that offers quality, reliable and professional service and expertise for those that are looking to include Paphos and Cyprus in general in their holiday operation . Paphos is a modern city and the no.1 resort area in Cyprus that combines history, culture and heritage. That’s why Paphos nominated as the “Culture Capital of Europe in 2017” Accommodation Wholesaler -Wide network of hotels Cyprus and Greece You can rest assured that we have established valuable relationships and prefer partnerships with hotel and resorts all categories and budgets. Due to these relationships, we can offer our partners/clients competitive rates and support. Excursions Ruslan Travel builds a reputation for its well organised and successful multilingual guided excursions from Paphos. ‘Discover Cyprus heritage’ is our motto, and yet our tours are planned and organised in such a way in order to give the chance to the tourist/visitor to explore the culture, history and leaving with unforgettable knowledge and memories. Destination Management Company (DMC)/Inbound Tour Operator/Ground handling Ruslan Travel is an n

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108 108 Apostolou Pavlou, Pafos 8046, Cyprus


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