
Ryan Air

1 Ryanair Ltd. Corporate Head Office, Nicosia 1645, Cyprus

Business Details

We are Europe’s only ultra low cost carrier, and that means we bring you the lowest fares on flights to all of our destinations – and that’s guaranteed. From the moment Ryanair embraced a no-frills, low-cost, get-you-from-A-to-B model, we’ve pretty much revolutionised the air travel industry. We get you from A to B, and we get you there cheaper, and more reliably, than any other airline. Ryanair made air travel accessible to the masses, and we opened Europe up for tourism in a way it had never been opened before. Even when our competitors saw what we were doing and arrived on the scene to get a little piece of the action – well, we upped our game and lowered our fares. We want to bring you not just cheap flights, but the cheapest flights available to all of our destinations, and we are prepared to do whatever we have to do to keep our costs down so that we can keep your costs down. We are focussed on, and committed to, bringing you the lowest fares and most on-time flights out of all our competitors, so that they’re not really competitors at all. Of course there are some things we never compromise on - most importantly your safety, but also our top drawer punctuality, our near-perfect baggage handling, and our efficient ‘green’ policy. Ryanair has grown from


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1 Ryanair Ltd. Corporate Head Office, Nicosia 1645, Cyprus


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