
St. Raphael Private hospital

25 25 Gordiou Desmou, Larnaca 6045, Cyprus

Business Details

In 1996, two young doctors decided to open a small private clinic in Larnaca. Dr. Yiannis Kassinis, a Gynaecologist and Dr. Christos Elia, a General Surgeon had both completed their studies overseas, had considerable local and international work experience and were both married to doctors. Together with their spouses, Dr. Elena Kassinis – an Ophthalmologist, and Anna Elia – an Anaesthesiologist, they had a vision to open a medical centre in Larnaca with a commitment to excellence, and the aim to heal in a friendly environment. The doctors built up an excellent reputation and loyal patient list through the years and expansion insured with a larger clinic of seven doctors. As demand for the doctors continued to grow, the next natural step was to build the first and only private hospital in Larnaca in collaboration with a host of other specialists, and in 2004 the wheels were put in motion culminating with the opening of the brand new facility in June 2006. Today, the hospital has 4 operating rooms, the only other ER department in Larnaca (other than the state General Hospital), and a solid team of more than 15 qualified medical specialists, over 40 nurses and paramedical personnel, receptionists, care-workers, maintenance and cleaning personnel - all with a common g


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