
University of Cyprus

75 75 Kallipoleos Street, Nicosia 1678, Cyprus

Business Details

With the recent accession of Cyprus in the European Union, the University of Cyprus became an integral part of a unified academic area, an area that respects diversity and encourages multiculturalism without foisting homogeneity. We expect to contribute to the further shaping of the European academia, as well as to contribute to our own society. Our mission is amongst other things to create a forum for dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation among the communities and minorities of the island acknowledging their common heritage and recent historical experiences. Times are changing, and we must change along with them. In the competitive environment that is currently taking shape, what is challenged is our ability to adapt and response to change. The University of Cyprus is expected - to an extent wholly unparalleled so far - to think hard about its future, to generate new knowledge, to innovate, to cultivate young talents, to educate our youth so that they possess not only knowledge but also ethos and, above all, are endowed with creative and critical thought. Our University's aims include the fostering of our research and teaching partnerships through strategic alliances with international institutions,


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75 75 Kallipoleos Street, Nicosia 1678, Cyprus


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