
Worldserve Business Services Ltd

14 14, Pireos Street, Nicosia 2023, Cyprus

Business Details

Founded by professionals with many years of experience doing business in and related to Cyprus, former CIS, South Africa, Europe and Middle East, we share a common understanding of our clients’ needs. Worldserve Business Services Ltd was established in Cyprus to service the needs of local and international clients as a ‘point of single contact’ through strategic liaison with our partners both in Cyprus and internationally. Our key strength is our ability to, through our experience, understand our clients' business. All the Directors of WBS had significant exposure to a variety of markets and therefore view issues through more than one angle, resulting in focused and relevant advice. It is ultimately in our understanding of what our clients need or are aiming to achieve, that will allow us to deliver maximum value. Above all, we recognize that each client has differing needs, our deliverables always reflect the uniqueness of our clients' businesses. Today our clients’ key challenges are: financial reporting and delivering shareholder value, governance, security and risk, regulation and compliance, globalisation, demographic challenge and industry consolidation. We recognise the need to innovate constantly to respond to rapidly changing issues. Our deep in


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14 14, Pireos Street, Nicosia 2023, Cyprus


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