
ZS Fidelity Electronics Ltd

58 Griva Digeni Ave 58 Griva Digeni Ave, Pafos 8201, Cyprus

Business Details

Founded in the early 1990's as the authorized Sony dealer for Paphos, ZS Fidelity has since then become an authorized Sony Centre and expanded into Sony vaio desktop and vaio notebook computer equipment and peripherals becoming one of the leading retailers in its combined Sony and vaio product categories. Our mission is to provide our customers with exceptional value and a great Sony shopping experience always focusing on Sony high-tech products which offer quality in design and long product life. To offer constantly reliable Sony service and an attractive range of Sony products, characterises our past and is our desired goal for the future.


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58 Griva Digeni Ave 58 Griva Digeni Ave, Pafos 8201, Cyprus


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