
Tropical Fish Center

47 47A, Arch. Kyprianou Avenue, Strovolos Municipality, Nicosia 2059, Cyprus

Business Details

It is easy and amusing to have an aquarium, and also relaxing and instructive all together. Whether you deal with the fish of sweet water, sea fish or goldfish, all of them are very beautiful. It is also beneficially for your health. What other hobby would give you the chance to acquire knowledge about natural environment, to decorate your house and to enjoy the beautiful tropical fish, simultaneously? The initial forming of aquarium is not as difficult as perhaps initially you thought. If you begin with the correct equipment and follow certain basic directives, you will achieve the best results and your aquarium will give you endless hours of joy and satisfaction. Therefore our objective is to guide you, to give you detailed information and the most evolved equipment, so that you can improve your knowledge and get new experience with the tropical fish.


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47 47A, Arch. Kyprianou Avenue, Strovolos Municipality, Nicosia 2059, Cyprus


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