

6 6, Vasileos Kostantinou 8021 Paphos Cyprus, paphos 8021, Cyprus

Business Details


Cyprus Derma Clinic is a comprehensive dermatological practice which is committed to providing skin care needs. Dermatologists are medical doctors who have specialised in the treatment of skin disorders and diseases. This includes all types of skin cancers such as melanomas, basal cell carcinoma, squamous  cell carcinoma as well more common diseases like eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic reactions, alopecias and even nail disorders. Most skin conditions are treatable with appropriate medical attention provided by an experienced dermatologist. Skin problems are slightly different in Cyprus. The intense Cyprus climate predisposes us to a larger numbers of possible skin diseases which are directly or indirectly related to the sun. Skin cancer can be dangerous. But fortunately with recent developments in biotechnology, treatment is much more successful than before.  Early diagnosis and treatment is key to preventing any skin cancer from growing into a potentially fatal disease.


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6 6, Vasileos Kostantinou 8021 Paphos Cyprus, paphos 8021, Cyprus


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