Cyprus best companies

about cbcCyprus best companies is a business directory covering the area of Cyprus.  Over 2500 companies are listed in 30 business categories such as “Cyprus lawyers”, “Cyprus hotels”, “Cyprus property”, “Cyprus wines” and many more. By technology all business listings enjoy the latest SEO techniques and are linked and listed under the Google Cyprus index as the prime search engine. Every 15 days all participants get a newsletter with major highlights, statistics about their business listing, clicks on their website and can make free business directory listing, changes for the year of their subscription. Our business moto is “Strive for perfection in everything we do. Take the best that exists and make it better”.


Cyprus best companies is a business directory listing companies operating in Cyprus. How it works? Based on organic search via Google Search engine visitors searching for example “Cyprus best lawyers”, or Cyprus accounting firms, or Cyprus best hotels etc. land on our website. From that point and then, if your company is listed then you can be found.