
Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital

21 21 Nafpliou Str. 3025 Limassol Cyprus or P.O. Box 56174, 3305, Limassol 3305, Cyprus

Business Details


YGIA Polyclinic Private Hospital was established in 1983 and commenced its operations in 1987. It is the largest and one of the best equipped private hospitals, situated in the heart of Limassol and operates according not only the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Health but also international standards. In 2007, after major renovations and an extension of its building facilities, YGIA Polyclinic boasted its capacity to 152 beds, extended the number of operating theatres to 12, established and extended the capabilities of its Clinical Laboratory Department, Radiology Department (X-Ray, MRI, CT, Ultrasound), produced a multi-dynamic Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Pediatrics Departments. Furthermore, from the 16th of June 2012, a state-of-the-art Cardio-Vascular Catheterizations Center was established at the Hospital offering the only 24-hour acute PCI service in Cyprus. Moreover, the Hospital has a range of fully equipped ambulances working 24 hours in order to be able to best respond to emergencies.


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21 21 Nafpliou Str. 3025 Limassol Cyprus or P.O. Box 56174, 3305, Limassol 3305, Cyprus


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