
K. Kyriacou Electronics Ltd

- -, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

The company was established in 1985 as a private Company and was founded by its Managing Director Kyriacos Kyriacou. The philosophy has remained the same since its formation, that is offer efficient, precise and fast service to all clients along with value for money for products and service provide. The company has the edge over others by being able to give the personal touch to its clients treating each one with individuality and providing products according to their needs. The company values its clients and aims for long-term relationships based on the good services it provides. The fact that the company now holds around 20% of the Cyprus telecommunications products market is the indication of its success so far and the contact upward trend in its sales is proof that the company has every prospect to become one of the leading companies in the field. The company, which solely specializes Telecommunication services, is structured into five departments for full efficiency of its services: Administration, Sales, Technical Support, Training and Consulting. Each department is headed by a specialist in the field fully trained, dedicated and able to meet the demands of the market.


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