
Ataleza Group Developers

54 54 Vasileos Constantinou Street, Limassol 3075, Cyprus

Business Details

Although Ataleza Group combines three different but relevant disciplines, through our centralised structure, all services are fully integrated enabling thus the exchange of information and expertise. Property Development- Ataleza Ltd is an established investment and development company specializing in residential projects. Our philosophy is to create quality projects and enhance value and profit for its investors. Building Construction - Ataleza Constructions for residential buildings provides the expertise to help you control all phases of the development process, from site evaluation, selection and acquisition, through construction and occupancy. Staffed by professionals with extensive experience in development, finance and construction management, the team focuses on completing each project as cost and time effectively as possible, passing the savings to the customer. Real Estate Agency- Ataleza Estates linked locally with prospect and property computer databases, information pertaining to prospective buyers and available properties is delivered upon demand, making thus the acquisition and disposition of property a pleasant experience.

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54 54 Vasileos Constantinou Street, Limassol 3075, Cyprus


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