
European Solar Corporation Ltd

Nicosia, Cyprus

Business Details

We provide turn key solutions in solar system installations, energy studies and energy saving systems such as, LED bulbs, voltage optimisation, boilers, heat pumps, insulations, air conditioners, tends, window and door frames, pergolas etc...

The Cypriot government issued schemes giving the opportunity to business and home owners to install solar panels and upgrade their building's energy efficiency while substituting up to 75% of the total cost. Therefore, we provide turn key solutions in solar system installations, energy studies and energy saving systems such as, LED bulbs, voltage optimisation, boilers, heat pumps, insulations, air conditioners, tends, window and door frames, pergolas etc...

The break even periods for the above range from a few months to approximately 3 years depending on the product. Indicatively solar panels cost €3.780 and the break even period is 3 years, LED bulbs can save up to 90% of your lighting bill, Voltage optimisation can save 13% on your electricity bills and the respective break even period is 1.5 years.

Should you require any further information or clarification please contact us.


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