
Ledra Clinic

19 19 Pindarou Str. Agios Antonios, Nicosia -, Cyprus

Business Details

Ledra clinic, the 'prototype' obstetrics and gynecology clinic is located in Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus and was established by Dr. Takis Georgiou. Dr. Takis Georgiou is considered a pioneer within the iv-vitro fertilization field since he not only established the first IVF centre in Cyprus and in the Middle East and the Balkans, but he also delivered the first "tube-baby" in Cyprus. Today, the clinic offers gynecologic and obstetric services and specializes in the infertility field since our Fertility and In-Vitro Fertilization Centre-Ledra-Embryogenesis together with an experienced and specialized team of doctors and embryologists are in the position to offer all the available services related to fertility and assisted reproductive technologies. In the present day, Ledra clinic consists of a dynamic team of twenty experienced scientists, (doctors, embryologists, geneticists, Psychologist midwives and nurses). All disciplines stuff work with enthusiasm, loyalty, team spirit and professionalism act towards our patient's best interests, whereby their childbirth experiences and other surgical procedures performed safely and comfortably. Our vision, at Ledra clinic, is to preserve and maintain the image that has been created since the beginning of the 1970's


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19 19 Pindarou Str. Agios Antonios, Nicosia -, Cyprus


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