
Narkissos Aircon Ltd.

- Corner Makedonias Avenue & Theodorou Potamianou Street, Limassol -, Cyprus

Business Details

Narkissos Aircon Ltd was established in 1990 for the purpose of distributing Mitsubishi Electric air-conditioning systems in Cyprus. Since its establishment Narkissos Aircon Ltd has developed into one of the main and the most specialized companies in the market of Air Conditioning because of the quality of its products and the service that provide to its customers. Moreover the company has extended its activities beyond selling equipment, to the offering comprehensive solutions to fulfil all Air Conditioning needs. Our service includes consultancy, design and installation of all kinds of Air Conditioning systems. Our commitment to our customers does not stop with the successful installation of the air-conditioning systems but continues with our professional after sales service and constant support. To achieve our purpose the company currently employs highly qualified and skilled technicians and engineers. Furthermore the company improves and extend the knowledge of its staff by sending them for training courses at the Mitsubishi Electric branches. Finally the company provide to its customers stock of all types of Air Conditioning systems and as well as spare parts for after sales service support.


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- Corner Makedonias Avenue & Theodorou Potamianou Street, Limassol -, Cyprus


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