
PK Trisel Electronics

107 107 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue, Limassol 3060, Cyprus

Business Details

The company is a private liability company registered in Cyprus in the year 2002 by Kyriacos Petrides a veteran salesman in the IT Industry. PK Trisel Electronics Ltd. is a pure wholesale company created to serve the market with the products needed in the assembly of personal computers and products that compliment the personal computers, i.e. peripherals and add-ons. The company was received well by the retail outlets on the island and has been profitable since the second month of operations. It covers the whole of the country and serves all 281 retail outlets on the island of Cyprus and estimates to close its first 12 months with a turnover of over US$1,000,000.00. The projections of the company are to reach a turnover of over US$3,000,000.00 in the first 36 months of operation. The principles of the company are to provide good products that have good quality and support from the manufacturer, offer good service and prompt delivery to the retail outlets and provide for the products a good after sales service and support. The products are well chosen to compliment current products from reputable suppliers, deliveries to its clients are done by PK Trisel and service is done by PK Trisel or is subcontracted through professional service centers and labs.


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107 107 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue, Limassol 3060, Cyprus


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