
Christos & Telemachos Georgiades LLC

Cyprus Office 12, 2nd Floor, 14 Arch. Makarios III, Mitsi Building ΙΙ, Nicosia, Nicosia 1065, Cyprus

Business Details

Established in 1974, the law office of Christos and Telemachos Georgiades has grown to become one of the leading law firms in Cyprus. It is complemented by the latest information technology systems and a large legal library which is constantly updated. The firm also enjoys close associations with several UK-based law firms. Our firm has a reputation for offering a full range of quality legal services. Members’ work includes pure advisory work and the drafting of contracts but we are particularly proud for the high level of advocacy we offer. The lawyers work closely together to provide a high standard of efficiency taking advantage of the diversity of their backgrounds and experience to offer legal services

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Cyprus Office 12, 2nd Floor, 14 Arch. Makarios III, Mitsi Building ΙΙ, Nicosia, Nicosia 1065, Cyprus


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