

18 18 Acropolis Street, Limassol -, Cyprus

Business Details

LOEL is one of the three biggest wineries in Cyprus dedicated to the production of premium bottled wines utilizing only mountain grown grapes from Paphos and Limassol district. Before becoming a full member of the European Union huge amounts of bulk wines were produced that were exported to Germany as Sangria and other aromatic wines. The main winery is located in the town of Limassol, while other two smaller wineries are located on mountains, one of them at Polemi, Paphos and the other at Lania, Limassol for the production of Commandaria liqueur wine. LOEL company, apart from the production of wines and spirits, produces fruit juices that are packed in TP bricks. LOEL LTD was founded in 1943 and it was the first winery in Cyprus that was organised in the form of public company having thousands of shareholders, who in their majority were viticulturists. In the initial stages of its operation, LOEL produced spirits and fortified wines as the only quality products that could be produced from the indigenous grape varieties of those times, as Mavro, Xynisteri and Muscat of Alexandria, from which a unique Cypriot wine was produced, famous abroad and known under the name “LOEL Muscat”. When the Ministry of Agriculture imported and planted in Cyprus new grape varieties


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18 18 Acropolis Street, Limassol -, Cyprus


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